Thursday, January 29, 2009

Museum Visit

I went to the Rosicrucian Egyptian museum last Saturday. I originally went to get back ground information for my essay, but it ended up to be more fun than I thought. They had so many pieces and information. My favorite thing was the great information about the gods. I was impressed with two pieces that are below the text. The first piece is a coffin of a young woman. It was very detailed and rich in color. The coffin's design was to show her family's wealth. The second piece or pieces are these tools that were made to help hairdressers. You can see the comb is very complex in its design. These also honor the Goddess Hathor. I loved the visit. These two pieces are in our every day lives, but just a little more development. The only complaint that I would have is that the museum has a very certain smell to it. I think it is because all the pieces in there have to be specially preserved. All in all, I would totally recommend this museum to people. I love Egyptian culture now.

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