Saturday, April 11, 2009

Blog #5

Many Artists paint the image of Mary Magdalen. This one on the left was created by George de La Tour. This artist usually uses a single light source in the image. The light sources are so intense that you would think that it is the subject. The use of negative space brings the eye towards Mary and the flame. The version of Mary Magdalen is emotionally dark. I feel as if the artist is creating a story with the skull and flame. She holds the skull which could mean that someone close to her died or she is close to death. The flame could represent her looking on the positive side of things, or looking forward to her bright future. This piece reminds me of a photo project that I had. We had to create an image with the littlest about of information in it. We had to use negative space as our main subject. The use of light in a piece of art makes the it so strong. 


  1. I like this picture to I think the flame make the picture so intense. what photo class are you in?

  2. Hi Sara,
    I think it is interesting how the light creates a circle on the painting and brings into it her knees, which would not be lit by the light naturally, as the table would have prevented it.. and left out of the circle the skull..
    Very interesting photo you created.

  3. The description in the text says that she "put aside her rich clothing and jewels". The fact that the brightest light is below her neck emphasizes this since there is both a lack of clothing(it's falling off her shoulder) and no jewelry on her neck where the strongest light is shining on her.

  4. i like this Mary Magadelen painting
    i think it's a very relatable one opposed to the many overly baroque or decadent ones we so often see
    when i or my sister are studying & have only one light on, I feel a resemblance to this painting
    great comparision to your photo project :)

  5. I do like this piece. It shows such a contrast of light and shadow, depicting Mary's introspection and contemplation of the candle with her eyes sharply contrasting with her hand gently handling the skull. In one way, she seems lost in her own musings, mesmerized by the candle yet not truly seeing it. And yet at the same time she is indeed present in the room, holding the skull in her lap while totally engrossed in her internal thoughts. Thanks for sharing it!

  6. This is a beautiful piece you have chosen to post. Great colors are used to make the dark shadowy feel of the painting. Does it make you wonder whats going on in her mind?
