Monday, April 27, 2009

blog #6

I this is late....I was very sick this last week.

The role of art in society is very different now then it was in the 18th century. I think the art is more used publicly. You can find it in office buildings and at airports. There are even art installations on hill sides like the one done by Christo and Jeanne Claude. People are trying to invent new ways to create art and place them in different parts of the world to have a different reaction from viewers. There are pieces of art along building sides in San Francisco and even the tragedy of the twin towers is now becoming a work of art. They are creating a memorial for the  people who died through architecture and sculpture. Art is not used as politically as it once was. Since we have other ways like advertisement with the use of television, billboards, and so on people are able to over look art in a political statement. In the 18th century, people used art for propaganda and other political ways because there was no other technology more advanced then paintings or sculpture. 

What I am trying to say really is that since society has advanced with technology so has art and its uses. I think its good that we can see art more as beautiful pieces then just was a way to get a point across. But politics in this country do not use art as a way to get a point across, and they should. People do create pieces to convey a message but if they were used in a campaign it would have a bigger impact on society. 

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