Saturday, May 2, 2009

Blog #7

Delacroix painted this art work to recreate the revolt against the reinstated press censorship, returned education to Catholic church control, and limited voting rights. The woman in the middle of the canvas is a representation of liberty. It almost brings the idea of "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." I don't think that Delacroix was trying to show that there were women in the revolt but to show the idea of liberty helping the men to move forward. She has an almost god complex from the clouds around her, how high she is in the canvas, and the man down below looking up at her. We all have that sense of feeling that we all need to push on to get ahead in life. Just like what this painting does for the French, the Statue of Liberty does for us. It is a reminder of what we all have worked and suffered for to us have faith in ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. i agree. The Statue of Liberty DEF is a reminder of all that we have worked for & suffered from to gain freedom in this country. It's great since when immigrants have came to Ellis Island, the Statue is one of the 1st things they see in America...& a HUGE difference it makes. It is what I assume to make newcomers feel relieved, more at ease, and just give them a heartwarming feeling that they made the right choice of coming here & that new opportunities will arise.
    That is interesting..i did not know that this painting does that for the French...prettyy awesome. It's very empowering & heroine like.
    great job sburnsie! :)
    xox Diana nguyen
